Sunday, January 16, 2011
armor piercing 308
(AK-47/AKM) armor-piercing round with mild-steel-core penetrator.
It's super easy to make armor piercing slugs. I'll give you a recipe after I
Left to right, rear: Mk211, Spotter, Silver tip (Armor Piercing Incendiary),
AP Ammo Armor piercing ammunitnion through 1/2" thick steel plate
Highly doubt (although possible) they are shooting armor piercing ammo at
The Army has been equipped with light armored personnel carriers,
PIA Pakistan International Airways Airbus A310-308 AP-BEG takeoff LHR by
PIA, A310-308, AP-BDZ seen taxing off the runway at Birmighmam
Glass Piercing IBTAP - Page 2 - Sniper Knowledge Database - Sniper
handgun protection to ultra-high-level armor-piercing rifle protection.
Needs some black tipped Armor Piercing rounds worked into the mix,
Needs some black tipped Armor Piercing rounds worked into the mix,
An ammunition specialist carries a 105mm armor- piercing round to be used in
.308 Armor Piercing 200 Rds. Lake City Arsenal - Picture 2
A310-308. AP-BEU. Airbus. Airlines
Airbus A310-308/ET AP-BEU Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)
A few very effective aramid and titanium armor piercing rounds.
I will try a round of WWII AP .30-06 Ball.