Tuesday, January 18, 2011
forward helix piercing
wonderful piercing, i highly recommend it.18g Ti. CBR forward helix, only a
Piercings Lobes x 6 1st holes at 10mm. Tragus Auricle Forward Helix
piercers they only name the forward helix as helix and this as ear rim.
Piercings Not Shown: right ear - 1.2mm lobe, 1.6mm snug, 1.2mm forward helix
Helix, Forward Helix and Streched Lobe. My Left Ear
Nape is the back of your neck, a nape piercing is a surface piercing on the
Odin · Oss · Forward Helix
Shown: Left Nostril, Right Nostril, Medusa, 20mm tunnel, Helix and Forward
Forward Helix - Body Piercing and Jewellery Picture Gallery
Barbell €23 or €34 for 2 piercings. No dermal punches on lobes
Retired Piercings: 14g septum, 18g second left lobe, 14g helix/forward helix
18g lobe, 18g lobe, 16g cartlidge, 16g high helix and 14g forward helix.
18g lobe, 18g lobe, 16g cartlidge, 16g high helix and 14g forward helix.
Piercings > Ears Added As Favorite (0) Add Tag. Tags Forward Helix
Tragus, forward helix, lobe twice. Right ear. rook, lobe twice
or a tragus and forward helix.
Helix Orbital to Forward Helix Industrial Industrial
Ear Piercings. Ear Lobe · Tragus · Forward Pinna · Scaffold · Helix
Set Ear Piercings: Industrial, Forward helix, Rook, Snug, Conch,
Piercings Shown: Right Ear: 16g Forward Helix(Swollen in this picture